
Moira's Message: Become a United Way Ambassador

Ambassadors are critical to the success of our annual campaign and our work as a whole. Apply now and help our local community today!
July 13, 2021

July 13, 2021 —

Dear Friends,

Our United Way staff, Board of Directors and volunteers fuel the great work of this organization and the tremendous impact United Way has on Greater Cincinnati communities. I am very fortunate to work closely with so many people who truly care about making their corner of the world a better place.

But there is a special group we start to recruit to the cause this time of year—our campaign ambassadors. Our ambassadors are paid seasonal staff, working for 15 weeks from August to November. They’re crucial to the success of our campaign and our ability to solve deep-rooted problems in our community.

Their primary responsibility is to manage workforce campaigns, meeting regularly with businesses and organizations throughout Greater Cincinnati to explain why United Way is so important to our community and how our work changes lives.

We need people who are organized and have strong interpersonal and communication skills. Sales experience or public speaking experience help. It does not require a college degree, although that is certainly helpful.

To succeed, ambassadors attend a week of training where they learn about our organization and are taught how to plan and execute an effective workforce campaign. I could tell you how great the job is, but I think it would be more meaningful to hear from one of last year’s ambassadors, Katherine:

“My favorite part was meeting so many wonderful people, from the welcoming United Way employees, to my fellow ambassadors, from our generous donors to community leaders…During your 15 weeks as an ambassador, you learn about the nonprofit sector, about Cincinnati, about key business leaders, about fundraising, about database management and analytics, and about yourself. I learned some new strengths and interests of mine that I had not previously been aware of. It’s a great opportunity for professional and personal growth while expanding your network through building wonderful relationships.”

If you are interested — or know someone who is — please check out our job posting at uwgc.org/careers.


Moira Weir

United, We Can

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